Barefoot Missionary

Barefoot Missionary



It's been a while since I've posted.  This is what's on my mind recently...

I want my eyes and heart to be so focused on Jesus that I am continually operating out of joy and peace no matter what's going on here at the girls' home.  I am way too often influenced by the mood swings, the anger or tension, and then I become frustrated at myself for being affected by those negative emotions.  I'm filled with joy when they are doing well, then so annoyed when I need to confront issues or deal with hard stuff.

But as I'm driving- to GED classes, to appointments, to outings, Holy Spirit begins whispering silly things to my spirit.  He makes me laugh, tells me I'm trippin', then tells me what my assignment here really is.  

"I release you from all striving, baby.  All religion is gone.  You aren't here to fix anyone or to accomplish specific things in their lives.  You get frustrated when that is your mindset and then you don't see the fruit."  

So true!  Duh, He's God, I guess He would know.  

"Here's your assignment- from Me.
1. Love well;  No judgment, just seek to understand the girls.  Let them feel My perfect love that will absolutely wreck their paradigms of Who I am.  Lavish, undeserved Love.
2. Facilitate encounters with Me;  your very presence in the home is accomplishing this.  Pray it in; believe that I will encounter each of them.  Believe!  Worship always; help them talk to Me and hear from Me."

He tells me that's all, and He'll take care of the rest.

And then He plays Misty Edwards "I Knew What I Was Getting Into" on my YouTube playlist. 

I knew what I was getting into when called you.
I knew what I was getting into when I said your name, but I said it just the same.
I knew what I was getting into and I still want you...

Cuz only I can see the end from the beginning.
And only I can see where this is going.
And only I can see the end from the beginning.
And I see in you the seeds of love.
And I see in you strength when all you see is your failure and all you feel is ashamed.

Just don't give up.
And don't give in.
If you don't quit. You win, you win.

In my weakness, He is strong.  
In Him, I can love.  In Him, I will win.

My coworkers-- glow in the dark mini golf with the girls!


  1. this really spoke to me thanks for sharing!

  2. I'm glad! I love when Jesus uses what He's teaching me to speak to others.
