Barefoot Missionary

Barefoot Missionary


His way is perfect.

Jesus has been giving me more revelation on how to live above circumstances here at the girls' home...

"If you acknowledge- and more than acknowledge, fully believe- that I am sovereign, then you can trust that I will never give you more than you can deal with.  I'm handing you stuff that's way beyond your experience or level of comfort, but when you rely on Me, you have everything you need."

I've started declaring to myself- out loud when I wake up, under my breath in a difficult situation with the girls- that God is in control and has allowed everything in my path that day.  It's so refreshing!  My heart can finally, fully believe what my head has known for so long:  His way is perfect.

And if He allows something, then He will hold my hand and walk me through it.
And if He allows something, my trust in Him releases me to walk in joy and peace even if the complete opposite of joy and peace is happening around me.

The little things:
One of the girls who isn't very open to God holding my hand during worship at church.
Holy Spirit waking up the girls for GED classes so I don't have to.  (Cuz He's got it like that.)
Heart-talks on the sidewalk outside of Sweet Frog.
Blasting worship music so loud on the way to appointments that my car speakers are going bad.
One of the girls believing with me that she will be physically healed.
Someone donating more than enough money to buy Hersheypark tickets and cover the gas costs.

Thanks for your support, friends.  I'm so grateful!

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