Barefoot Missionary

Barefoot Missionary


Springtime for the Church

We've had some hard days up here at the safe home.  Destiny encountered Jesus; the enemy didn't like that and he started hitting hard.  I've gotten angry and frustrated when I see her making poor choices, and my sweet Lord convicts me with beautiful Hosea verses that leave me in tears.  Because He still loves her.  He welcomes her back when she falls.  He welcomes me back!

"I will allure her; I will lead her back into the wilderness, and speak tenderly to her.  From there I will give back her vineyards to her, and turn the "Valley of Trouble" into an "Opportunity for Hope".  There she will sing as she did when she was young, when she came up from the land of Egypt.
'At that time', declares the Lord, 'you will call 'My Husband'; you will never again call Me, 'My Master'.  For I will remove the names of the Baal idols from your lips, so that you will never again utter their names!" Hosea 2:14-17

It seems that everywhere I turn I see brokenness and hurting people.  Lots of friends going through painful circumstances or being sucked into complacency.  People not understanding or walking in their identity as children of the Living God.  A dear friend losing her baby suddenly...

And what Jesus whispers to my soul is this:
Breakthrough is so close.  For you, for Destiny, for the ministry.
For My Church!  The enemy knows his time is short and he is fighting hard, throwing out anything he can.  The time is so soon for My Bride to rise up in glory and shake the earth!  I am doing crazy things...mostly behind the scenes right now, but soon you will see!
Hold on-- it is Springtime in My Kingdom-- when things will burst into Life!  Wake up; it's time for My Church to live-- to rush into the darkness and take over and rule where evil principalities have been given access for far too long!  I'm ready to shake the earth-- healings will break out, the dead being raised, and entire cities returning to Me!

I believe He is good.
I believe He is all-powerful.
His Word is truer than my experiences.  So I will press in to His Words until they become my experiences.
I refuse to be offended at God.  Even when I contend for a lifeless baby boy to be resurrected and it doesn't happen.  I believe Him, believe He has an even more glorious plan, believe I will one day see dead bodies raised up.  Because He said it!

Breakthrough is coming, friends.  Hold on, we are almost there!


  1. Goosebumps and tears and a heart that cries YES. Springtime in the kingdom. Dear Jesus, let it be.

  2. Mmm... I find myself constantly so torn between heartbreak and hope, and so we press into His words until they become our experiences! Yes!
