Barefoot Missionary

Barefoot Missionary



"Beloved, I beg you as sojourners and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul, having your conduct honorable among the Gentiles, that when they speak against you as evildoers, they may, by your good works which they observe, glorify God in the day of visitation." 1 Peter 2:11-12

I came across these verses the other day, pink-highlighted in my Bible.   And I had to just re-read them several times.  Basically, live such a life that when the unbelievers around you talk bad about you, they have no logical grounds.  And more than that, when they see your good works, they will turn to God, and on the Judgment Day, they will be singing and dancing around His Throne.

And once again I'm way too aware of all the shortcomings and failings in my life.  And I'm conscious of all the times that my life is about gaining the approval and attention of the people around me-- not that of my Father-King.  And once again I'm flat on my face asking for more of the Holy Spirit in my life; pleading to be refined.

Then the hard times come.  I beg God for more grace. 
"How do I even let this pain make me stronger, purer, more beautiful to You?"   

I don't know the answer.  But if it takes hardship and pain and fire to make me more like my Jesus, I will accept it, and I will do my best to struggle well.  I want to come out as gold.  Because the more time I spend with my Ishi, my Maker-Husband, the more I realize that He's really all I need.  And I just want to be like Him; I want to bring glory to His Name.

As I walk down Loi Kroh Road, past the high heels and neon signs, I pray for divine appointments.  And as I sit and drink a Sprite with beautiful, English-speaking Mai- who has only been working in the bar for 2 weeks- and pray for God to speak to her, I realize that it's not about me getting my act together.  It's all about Him- His persistent grace, His pursuit of me, Him working in the fire to refine me, and then Him working through me.

And suddenly there's no room for pride.  Only brokenness and gratitude and adoration.


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