Barefoot Missionary

Barefoot Missionary



I peeked into the side entrance of a bar that was not yet open and saw a baby's exer-saucer-thing.

My heart dropped; I prayed that Jesus would protect the innocent child.

As I walked away, heart heavy, I opened my prayer-walking book and read the first prayer I saw:
"Lord, gather these people as lambs in Your arms, and carry them close to Your heart.  Gently lead those that have young." 

And I realized again that my Jesus-Father is theirs, too, and He cares for them so much more than I ever could.

Walking back down the other side of the red-light street, I saw a young boy playing in the entrance of a karaoke club.  "Oh God...this is no place for children!"

As our team met up back at the Ransom English Center to spend some time in worship and prayer, I noticed a beautiful drawing sitting in a black frame on the floor.   Jesus smiling into the eyes of a little baby...

I stared into Jesus' face and was just overcome with His love and goodness.  Yes, my Jesus does care for these kids raised in bars by prostitute-mothers; my Jesus sees the children that I don't, the ones trapped inside the bars; and He cares.
pictures by David Bowman
On another note...
God has recently been showing me how ridiculously funny He is.  I used to view God as stern and holy- He loved me, of course, but He didn't smile much.  Apparently God didn't like that I viewed Him this way, because He's sure been showing me otherwise! 
Wednesday night I had been studying for 5th Term finals and fell into bed exhausted.  Before I fell asleep, though, I told the Holy Spirit that He could wake me up when He wanted me to get up.  Would you believe at 4:15 A.M. the girl who sleeps above me jumped down from her bunk to prepare for the tests.  I looked at my alarm clock.  "Are You serious right now, God?"  (I'm pretty sure He was laughing at this point.)  I argued with Him for the next 15 minutes while I tried to go back to sleep.  He won.  So I got out of bed and crawled out into the window well and listened to worship music... And suddenly, His presence was so much there that I literally fell down flat on my face.  The Glory of God was so strong that all I could do was weep.  Powerful, powerful morning.
The more I experience the presence and glory of my Father, the more I want.  Addiction, maybe?  Yes, God is incredibly holy, and His glory is so beautiful that it knocks me out flat.  But He's also a God of joy- He laughs, He sings, He dances.  And it's not about me separating my life-- "now I'm worshipping God", "now I'm playing volleyball"...  He is all around me- all around us- and my whole life can be a worship song to Him. 
And I'm pretty sure He laughs with me when I jump to spike and miss the volleyball.


  1. Abby dear, i love where you're at & it challenges me to seek after God's heart, too! it's difficult at times for me to know what to do w/the anger i feel when the wee ones are in wrong & hurt places & love those pictures! i pray God multiplies your prayers in the red light district. Esther

  2. Could it be that God is teaching us some of the same things at the same time, even though thousands of miles apart?
    YES. YES. YES.
