Barefoot Missionary

Barefoot Missionary


Roses from God.

Last night was our final prayer-walking ministry night for 2nd term.  For something special, we decided to take roses to hand out to the bar girls and prostitutes as we walked the streets. We spent the afternoon tying invitations to the Ransom Ministries English Center onto the roses, and then prayed that God would lead us to the girls who needed to feel His love that night.
It was a powerful night... giving something beautiful to these girls- absolutely no strings attached; just a gift.
And then I walked over to a group of 6 or 7 girls repainting their bar tables.   It wasn't until I handed a rose to the first person, that I realized that the whole group of them were actually lady-boys.  ("Ladyboy" is the term for gay prostitutes here in Thailand.)  I hesitated.  But then I saw that they actually wanted the roses- wanted the red ones, in fact, and I realized that for who they are right now, yes, a rose will speak to them.  After we walked away, our hearts breaking, we huddled up and prayed for these men to find freedom in Jesus; prayed that they would know the Healer, their Daddy. 

symbols of the Father's love...

*Please join us in prayer for all the girls who received roses last night. Pray that they would come to the Ransom English Center and learn about Jesus. And pray for the lady-boys... for healing and restoration.
*I leave for Siem Reap, Cambodia on Tuesday night. I don't know many details yet, but we're planning to be teaching at a school... Pray that I would be an empower and encourage my team, and that I would be sensitive to the Holy Spirit's leading.

Just a fun picture of my friend Hollie and I at the Elephant Camp today. :)
Thank you all for your prayers.  It means more than you know.
Soli Deo gloria!

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