Barefoot Missionary

Barefoot Missionary


Indian Gratitude List.

I had a wonderful time in India.  My team spent the first half of our time in Chandigarh working with a local pastor.  Then we went to Nawanshahr- a few hours away- to help out at a leadership/discipleship conference.  And rather than spending hours describing everything...

Indian Gratitude List:
Visiting slum churches and making funny faces at the kids who were excited about white people visiting them.  And praying that God would protect these children from traffickers and people who could exploit them. 
Chai tea.
Praying God would raise up a generation of followers who will not turn back from what He calls them to do. 
Getting mobbed by beautiful brown-eyed kids desperate for silly bands.
Doing dramatic Bible-story skits just to hear the kids laugh.
Buying fruit and McDonald's for street kids.  French-braiding their hair.  Hoping they see Jesus' love; praying for someone to come take care of them. 
Ladies' meeting on servanthood; washing our Indian sisters' feet.
Wearing a pajabi.
Starting to truly believe that God's will is best- even if it means giving up the dreams I desire the most.  Even if those dreams are from God.  Because He is safe, and I can trust Him.
Motel with AC.
Praising God with Hindi and Punjabi worship music.  Because God understands all languages.  At one time.
Stickers on clothes.  And hands.  And noses.
My friends at the conference giving me gifts and teaching me to dance.
Washing and combing lice-ridden hair.  Soapy laughter.  Pretty hair clips to finish the job. 
Eating with my hands.
Little Elisha falling asleep on my lap.
Wonderful hospitality and love from our hosts.
God teaching me that I don't need to strive after and pursue the Holy Spirit.  Because if my heart is desiring more of Jesus, He will continually fill me with more of the Holy Spirit.  And I will become more like Him.
Freedom for the spiritually oppressed.
Free henna tattoo.
Smart kids laughing hysterically as we sang "Father Abraham" three times in a row.
God loving through me.

Saleed coloring during a conference session.

Slum church.

 Soli Deo gloria!

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