Barefoot Missionary

Barefoot Missionary


He is Faithful.

I am continually blown away by God's faithfulness.
Monday night the bar ministry team headed out to Loi Kro Road to pray over the girls there.  Monday had been a rather draining day for all of us girls on the team, but we prayed for God's protection and that He would renew our energy.  Before we left, we asked God to lead us to girls who spoke English and that He would guide our steps.
As we walked past bar after bar, saw the girls, saw the men- we poured out our hearts to our Father.  And twice, girls called out to us from the bar and invited us to come talk with them.  We pulled up chairs and communicated in our (very) limited Thai and their broken English.  Some of the girls met a man from Lancaster who had been hanging out on the streets with the girls and they told him why they were there, what they were doing... As I walked past one of the bars I saw two Western men playing pool, and I prayed that God would keep them from going any further than the pool table that night.  An hour and a half later when we walked back to catch our ride, they were still playing.  Praise God!
We came back to IGo saddened by what we'd seen- the most girls we had seen out on our ministry nights so far- but so excited about what God is doing.  Every Monday or Friday so far we have felt satan's warfare, and we are blessed, knowing he is trying to stop God's work, knowing we ARE fighting.  God has already been teaching me so much about intercessory prayer, about claiming His promises, about the authority we have as His Children. 
Loi Kroh Road
Please pray...
  • for Won and Kadie- girls who said they would like to come to Ransom Ministries' English Center.  Pray that they would come, that they would meet Jesus.
  • for the little girl in orange who was dancing in the bar.  Her mother is a prostitute, her future looks hopeless, but we are claiming Jesus' love and salvation over her life.
  • for a Holy Spirit revival in Chiang Mai.  We are praying that the bar streets would be completely reformed into respectable businesses and the girls would know their Father's love.
Also- I was planning to go to India for my first ministry trip next week, but we're running into problems with trying to get visas.  We need to get them by tomorrow in order to have them processed by next Wednesday... Pray that if God does want us to go to India, nothing would be able to keep us from going.  But if God has another place for us, please pray that He would back that clear.  We are committed to going and doing whatever He asks of us.  I am really hoping I can visit India, but I have peace knowing He is in control.

Thank you for fighting with us!
May He be glorified!

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