Barefoot Missionary

Barefoot Missionary



One week from today I'll be in the sky bound for Asia.  I'm attending 2 semesters at the Institute for Global Opportunities- a missions training school in Chiang Mai, Thailand.  Super exciting, kinda scary. 
When I was a freshman in high school I came across a magazine article on the subject of modern-day slavery.  I was intrigued and ended up doing several high school reports on the subject.  Ever since, I've been passionate about working with girls who are forced or tricked into prostitution- young girls trafficked to a foreign country to be raped multiple times a day.  I can't really describe why I'm so passionate about fighting for these girls other than it just feels like it's from God and I can't shake it.  So God has led me to IGo for the rest of the year...don't have plans for after this, but I'm trusting He'll continue to lead. 
The total cost for my time at IGo (including my plane ticket, tuition, and travel expenses for mission trips) is about $10,000.  And I worked at a daycare (not exactly high-paying).  I felt like God was asking me to trust Him for the money, to not even ask other people for donations.  Hello, faith.  I thought about people like George Mueller who started several orphanages in England and God completely funded the work.  [Side note: One day Mueller's orphanage ran out of food for the kids so they sat down to eat and thanked God for the food He was going to provide for them.  They heard a knock at the door; the milk truck had broken down and the milkman wanted to donate the milk to the orphanage before it spoiled.  Remembering this story, I began praying for an armored bank truck to break down in front of my house. :)]  Anyway- I'm here to testify to God's faithfulness.  He has provided all the money that I need!  So many people have given to support my trip (many anonymously) and I've honestly gotten used to opening envelopes with $100 inside.  Thank you, thank you for all those who gave- may He richly bless you. 
And so, one week from today, my Asian adventure begins.  I would so appreciate your prayers and I will try to update regularly.
Soli Deo gloria!

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