Barefoot Missionary

Barefoot Missionary


Praise God!

I just want to praise God!
I feel so assuredly that we're on the very brink, the cutting edge, of what God is going to do.  At Life Fellowship; in Lancaster City, in Lancaster County; across denominations, across the country.  Books like "Crazy Love" (Francis Chan) and "Radical" (David Platt) challenging the church to actually live like Jesus did.  Hearing word about 24-hour prayer houses springing up in and around Lancaster...  Revival is coming.

Church today... The youth girls' sunday school teacher was away, so prayer and sharing time instead.  One girl shared a vision she had from God about His intense, indescribable love for His children.  Tears flowed.  Friends sharing real struggles; prayer for God's strength to carry on, to make us like Him.  We met with God, felt a touch of His love, His grace.  We left the room littered with tissues as we scrambled to get back to church after completely disregarding the "5-minute bell".
The sermon about Mary sitting at the feet of Jesus- more important than "church", than prayer meetings, than ministry.  Because if we sit at His feet, all those things will fall into place...
People streaming to the altar saying they want, need, to experience the presence of God.  Bringing the brokenness, the ugly sins, the pain; asking Him to use us.

//Father God.  I so long to be a part of what You are going to do... Use me, our church, this nation, to Glorify Your Name!//

1 comment:

  1. I just came across your blog, but I just had to comment because of what you said in your post. Isn't God good? I'm so excited to hear about the 24 hour prayer houses in Lancaster. Praise God!! I think I'll dance. :)
