Barefoot Missionary

Barefoot Missionary


I (finally) obeyed.

[Hey people.  I've been thinking the past few weeks that I'd really like to get back into blogging.  But I didn't feel like I had anything to write about.  Today I do.]

It started out as a pretty normal day:  Daycare.  Funny kids.  Busy time-out chair.
And then my lunch break in the cemetery across the street... Empty park benches today.  Only one other lady enjoying her break from work. 
You know that uneasy feeling when you really think you should go talk to someone?  Yeah, I had one of those.  It's usually easy-ish for me to explain away, but not so much this time... "Oh well, I'm sure that's not actually God prompting me.  I mean, I just happened to notice her."  [I try to finish the page of my book.]  "She's still there." [I answer a text.]  "I don't even know her!  I'm going to look so dumb."

 ...And then I finally stopped. 
"My book is called 'Radical' afterall...maybe this is from God?" 

I shoved my feet back into my shoes and zipped my lunchbox closed.  Before I lost my nerve.  Jumped off the park bench and made myself start walking.  Wishing I would be approaching her from the front, so we could at least maybe make eye contact first.  Heart pounding.
"Hi. I'm Abby... um, just on my lunch break...And I'm a Christian.  And there anything you would like prayer for?"
Her eyes instantly filled with tears.  (So mine did too.  Naturally.)  She nodded..."Pray for the one I love the most...Woody."  Not many more details than that, so I prayed the best I could.  For Karin, for Woody.  For God's will to be done.  For them to know their Father's Love.
She thanked me and I went back to my bench.
When she was returning back to work, she walked past me and squeezed my hand. "Thank you."

I don't write this to try to brag on myself...
More like bragging up my God.  Because so many times I've had that awkward, is-this-from-God feeling.  And I've come up with excuses that worked.  /Oh God.  Please forgive me.  And please send someone else to talk to those people that I've ignored./ 
And so, my friends, if you ever get that urge, please answer.  Because it IS from God.

The other cool thing about this is that I've been praying the past few weeks that God would lead me.  I'm looking into some options for my future, and I've been asking God for a sign to confirm His Will.  And after I talked to Karin, I realized... God was just asking me to take a little step in faith.  To see if I could trust Him enough to do something a bit awkward. 
And now, He's opening the doors for me to something that will require alot of faith. 
My confirmation. 

Soli Deo gloria!


  1. good for you, girl! Esther G

  2. I like the way you listen to His voice, Abby... and the way He's increasing your faith. love you, mom

  3. This gave me goosebumps. I love seeing you walk by the Spirit, Abigail woman. I want to do the same.

  4. What erv said.
    And to add my lil piece, I really am excited for you!

  5. This inspires me, even though I barely know you.
    Some people just do that.

  6. Abigail.
    I love this. I love you.
    I read it last night. Seconds after you texted me.
    I’m so glad Abby. I’m just so glad!
