Barefoot Missionary

Barefoot Missionary


I've been struck this week with the reality of eternity.
Part of that, of course, was thinking about the prediction that yesterday, May 21, 2011, was going to be the end of the world.  While I didn't believe Mr. Camping's prediction was accurate (the Bible says no one knows when Jesus will return), I definately did think more about the rapture and heaven and hell.  Thinking about some of the visions God has revealed to the late David Wilkerson, I honestly believe we're entering the last days.  I realize I need to be so much more intentional about reaching out... //Oh God, prepare us for the end.//
Friday night, Pat and I hung out with some of our Lancaster kids at a ball game.  And God was all they wanted to talk about.  They're going through some heavy things.  10-year-olds seeing/feeling evil spirits in their houses.  Ouija boards at their elementery school.  Yet wanting to do what is right, wanting to live the way Jesus wants them to.  We got into some really good conversations about spiritual warfare, and how the Bible says Jesus will win in the end, but there will be intense spiritual battles until then.  I told the kids that just the name of "Jesus" has power over all evil... I just didn't realize how much these kids have seen and experienced.  I feel called to pray for these precious people.  That satan would be defeated.  And that I would be aware of the needs all around me.  And more than just being aware, that I would do something.

Frankie, Bibi, and Lala, our dear friends.  (photo credits to Pat.  of course.)

May we fight for the Kingdom.
Soli Deo gloria.


  1. love your passion abby!~ It inspires me and challenges me to work harder for the Kingdom of God - We truely are in a battle for whats Right! love you girl & keep on sharing your heart and passion with others!~Eunice

  2. I’m with you Abigail.
    I’m with you in this massive battle.
    Proud of you.

  3. Love your post once again dear Abby... I miss hearing your passion. I miss talking to you about everything and anything. Your not alone. :) ali
