Barefoot Missionary

Barefoot Missionary


Forgiveness. And "The Gospel".

I've been thinking the past few days that I really should update again.  But what do I even have to say?  This morning God showed me a few things.
I've been reading the story of Joseph... What an incredible man of God.  I love how Joseph stays faithful to God through all his hardships.  I know how his story ends, so it's easy for me to say "Just wait, Joseph, it's going to get better ,wait till you see what God's doing..."  But really, Joseph had no idea how his life would end up.  And God had no obligation to give his story a happy ending.  Yet without knowing the ending, Joseph chooses to stay faithful to God. 
Then things do start to turn around.  Joseph's out of jail, and he's second only to Pharaoh.  Suddenly his brothers, who betrayed him years before, show up.  Joseph tests his brothers to see if they've changed, and when he sees they have, he welcomes them.  Josephs tells them not to be angry at themselves because "God sent me before you to preserve life" (Genesis 45:5).  "Then he fell on his brother Benjamin's neck and wept, and Benjamin wept on his neck.  Moreover he kissed all his brothers and wept over them, and after that his brothers talked with him." (verses 14-15)  Total forgiveness.  He loves them.  Joseph tells them to bring all their families and their animals and come to live in Egypt with him.  He tells them he'll make sure they have food for the rest of the famine.
Joseph chose to forgive.  Completely.
I want to be like that; to be like Joseph.  Even if I can't see my ending.

After breakfast this morning, I found this email in my inbox.  Absolutely powerful.  This is what it means to be, and what is required of, a Child of God. 
I want to live this. 

God bless.
Happy Easter.


  1. Oh Abby, me too. I don’t want this to merely inspire me to my very core -- I want my everyday life to look like the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Here’s to pursuing that together.

  2. I smiled at your updated header. It is so cold here I have to wear shoes too. Wasn't an issue in Dominica!!
