Barefoot Missionary

Barefoot Missionary



The last few weeks have been rather hard- conflicts, impatience on my part, heaviness.  The enemy has been going all out to drag us down and discourage us.  And fighting is hard!

But the Lord keeps reminding me that I am in a wilderness season-- preparation, hardship, hiddenness.  That I do need to endure-- and not just endure, but really fight and win-- this season, before I will be able to graduate to the next season.  He is telling me that right now He is instilling deep things into my spirit, even though I can't see it most days.  He is telling me that He is doing powerful things in our client's heart and soul, even though I can't see that most days either.  He is telling me He will bring more girls to this home, when I get discouraged that we only have one girl right now...

He tells me that I am John the Baptist- being raised up in the wilderness, unknown, alone... But when I have learned all I need to, Jesus Himself will burst onto the scene and ministry will explode- just like when He came to the desert to be baptized by John. People will come, and will be introduced to Jesus and they will be radically healed and delivered!

He is telling me to be intentional in the little things, the sometimes mundane, day-to-day, when I wonder if I am doing anything at all-- He tells me to learn all I can and enjoy this season-- because it's necessary for the next level.  And the next level is going to blow my mind.


  1. Love. love. love the David Livingstone quote.
    Just read his book... Wadda guy..
    Wadda God.

  2. C'mon warrior! So so good and right on and so encouraging to my Spirit! As you fight the good fight and finish the race God has placed you in, you will arise victorious and his GLORY will be made known throughout the earth!
