Barefoot Missionary

Barefoot Missionary


The Goodness of God

Today I am overwhelmed by the goodness of God-- He really does have only the best in mind for me!  My heart could explode just imagining the future and all the beautiful gifts He's gonna throw at me-- come on, Jesus!

A few nights ago as I was worshiping, God gave me a picture that wrecked me and left me sobbing on the floor.  I want to share because I believe it is a really fun illustration of God's heart for His kids, and particularly the ones in the commercial sex industry.

Holy Spirit- wearing a white robe- was leading me into the Throne Room. He was so excited that He was pulling me by the arm and laughing.  As I walked up the steps, I saw Jesus sitting on His throne-- there were bright streams of light coming out from the throne on all directions- a rainbow streaming out from Jesus Himself.  Father God was standing behind the throne with His hand on Jesus' shoulder. 

As I walked up to the throne, I expected Jesus to jump up and hug me.  Instead, He pulled me down onto His lap.  As soon as I sat down, the throne started descending down through the clouds until we landed in the middle of Walking Street in Pattaya, Thailand-- the main street in one of the world's largest and most well-known red light districts.  

Jesus scooted me off His lap in the middle of the street and told me to start walking.  I took a few steps, then looked back at Him.  I thought He would be crying over the brokenness and sin in that place, but He was laughing-- like He knew something I didn't, like He couldn't wait for what was coming.  I noticed then that no one else could see Him, even though His rainbow-light reached as high as the rooftops lining the street.  I kept walking forward and began talking to a girl in the street.  As I talked to her, she started shining rainbow light and she could suddenly see Jesus in His throne in the street.  I kept walking and each person I talked to became shiny and colorful and their eyes were opened to see Jesus- and these people began talking to others... And the more people that shone like rainbows, the brighter and bigger the rays from Jesus shone- until they shone through the buildings and began spreading to other streets.  The glory of God was descending on Pattaya and lives were being changed!

I bawled my eyes out and laughed-- because this is the message of Jesus!  Not condemnation and judgment, but good news because there is a different way!  And it's filled with joy and peace and so much love.  This is what I believe God is preparing to do in red light districts all over the world.  He is rising up an army and I am so honored to be a part of it!


  1. Wow... That is awesome! Jesus is so much bigger then any problem this world has. We just need to let HIM shine through us...

  2. ... i am shivering. This is beautiful

  3. Incredible!!! Thank you for sharing this vision that God gave you the privilege of seeing . May God bless you as you continue to hear His voice and see His person revealed!
