Barefoot Missionary

Barefoot Missionary



-her asking for prayer, and asking me to lay hands on her
-dancing in church
-a fun package in the mail
-a message from God on a Dove chocolate wrapper
-homemade hand scrub
-knitting for my friends and praying as I knit
-our mountain looking like a snow globe
-Jesus encountering her!
-Olympics + ice cream
-a new family of believers to worship with
-French toast breakfast birthday party
-being romanced by Jesus
-Snuggie party
-new beginnings; desires for a new life
-s'mores on the living room floor
-her asking if I'm high when she interrupts my time with Jesus ("Might be...but only on the Holy Spirit!")

Learning to live in the favor of God and what He is not be influenced by either the good days or the hard days.  To have each day grounded fully and deeply in Him and not the outward things.  To be so plum full of Him that I change and determine the atmosphere and environment each day and in every place- not the other way around.  So much truth through a Bill Johnson book I am reading;
"...The gifts are to be used so that I might be able to represent Jesus in power to the world and affect the course of world history... Unlimited power has been granted to those who encounter Him over and over again.  Each encounter works deeper in our hearts, bringing about the needed transformation so that we might be entrusted with more of Him.  The more profound the work of the Spirit is within us, the more profound the manifestation of the Spirit flowing through us."  
Begging God for more of Himself in me to influence this girl, this area, this city...this world!

Lillian, the snow scraper

My wonderful coworkers and roommates- Lillian and Hananh

a note from her


  1. I love the thing about being high on the Holy Spirit :) so awesome!

  2. GLORY! You are an atmosphere changer Abby and you bring the manifest presence of God wherever your foot treads. You are a laid down lover of our king and you will experience such power through thankfulness! I love you!

    1. I receive this, Kayla! Your encouragement is so powerful and beautiful-- I love fighting with you! :)
