Barefoot Missionary

Barefoot Missionary


Jesus met her!

My heart is so full, so joyful, so alive...

Last weekend our girl Destiny (not her real name) accepted Jesus!  We have been praying for months- even before she came to live here- that she would meet Jesus and be forever changed.  And almost every night after she went to sleep, my coworker Lillian and I would pray for God to encounter her in her dreams and give her visions of who He is and how much He loves her...

Destiny was scared one night and couldn't sleep, so I prayed with her, and prayed specifically for angels to guard her as she slept.  And that night she saw an angel in her room and the angel told her that this was the time to choose God and let go of her old life.  Then Jesus came into her room and she told Him that she was sorry for her lifestyle and choices... He told her that she is forgiven and He will help her start over.  She said she knew she could trust Him...and when He left her room, He was going to her home city to encounter people there!

And it's been so beautiful to watch the changes-- so much peace and joy in Destiny (she keeps saying she feels high :)), her choosing to listen to worship music, talking to God and easily hearing His responses, clarity in seeing her past choices and the path she wants to walk now, giving up sins and receiving beautiful gifts from Jesus in exchange... So much of the Spirit of God encountering her and touching her!  Now she talks about wanting to start safe houses for former prostitutes in India and how she wants to preach to hundreds of prostitutes and see them get saved, how she wants to go back to her old friends and show them Jesus.

One day at Starbucks, we talked about past choices and how ashamed she is of her past.  We talked about how God only sees the blood of Jesus covering her now and from this point on she can make new choices that glorify Jesus.  So we went to a Christian bookstore and picked out a purity ring- symbolizing her commitment to Jesus and her desire to be pure and make godly choices from this point on.

I am watching a miracle-- seeing a broken, angry child being transformed by the reality of a God who loves her and promises to fully restore her!  This is only the beginning, and there are still hard days, but this is the beginning!  And from now on, she is Jesus' daughter and He will never stop fighting for her!