Barefoot Missionary

Barefoot Missionary



I just listened to Benjamin Nolot's sermon from IHOP's One Thing conference-- on
God's heart for purity and his own journey with fighting sex trafficking and the pornography industry.  He shared a verse God had spoken over him recently-

2 Samuel 6:22: "I will become even more undignified than this, and I will be humiliated in my own eyes. But by these slaves girls, I will be held in honor."

Glory bomb.

Right here in a random Panera Bread, I started shaking and tears filled my eyes, and I was frozen in my seat.

I will look like a fool.  I will talk about and dream about and pray for the end of sex trafficking in my lifetime.  I will believe for the monster-giant of online pornography to fall.  I won't shut up, and I don't care who I annoy or bother or offend.  I will fight for the Church, the corporate Body of Christ, to wear a clean and beautiful wedding dress.  I will fight for the World to be daily added to the Church.  I will fight for freedom.

I will be honored in the sight of the Man at the end of of the aisle.
And I will be honored by the beautiful slave girls- the ones who will one day dance with me in Heaven. The millions who will be free and loved and whole.

1 comment:

  1. love this post.... and that is why you are here.... He sees your heart, He sees your tears and He hears your prayers..... you have been CHOSEN~~~~
