Barefoot Missionary

Barefoot Missionary


Believing for Breakthrough!

Today marks one month since I've moved to the home.  It's been a good month- hard at times, but good.  Challenging, stretching, draining.  But rewarding and teaching too.

Today I am feeling the tension that so often marks the days right before a powerful breakthrough.  I believe it is coming soon, and it's what my new co-worker Lillian and I have been praying for every night before we go to bed.  We feel our Lord's heart for our "guest", and we dream and imagine all that He wants to do in her life.  But we are also here on the hard days, and we see the distance between where she is now and where we want her to be one day.  

So even on the tough days- and tough days that turn into a tough week- I choose to listen to what God says:
That He's not finished.
That the best days are ahead.
That breakthrough is coming- and soon!
That I'm not here by accident- and neither is she.  
That He has destiny on both of our lives, and it will soon be released.
That He is fighting for me.
That He will encounter her in ways she can't deny.
That He will start moving in our little mountain church and pour out His Spirit.
That this year is way bigger and better than I can see or even imagine right now!

A visit from half of my family :)

Thank you all for your prayers and support.  As my friend told me- "It takes a village to raise a child"- and you all are a part of that.  I am so grateful.

1 comment:

  1. I'm praying for that day too :) Thanks for being such a willing servant! God has truly blessed us through you :)
