Barefoot Missionary

Barefoot Missionary



"He comes to make His blessings flow, far as the curse is found."

And this week my heart is full and thankful for those blessings...

Homemade eggnog.
Red hair dye.
Encouragement from a friend.
Green tights for Christmas.
Making up ghetto names for ourselves.
Cozy mornings with Jesus by the tree.
A fun package in the mail from my sweet friend Corrine.
Bright lights all over this house.
Making delicious food (and only burning a little bit of it).
Talking in ridiculous Southern accents all week.
Burning candles.
A phone call to a dear friend on Christmas day.
Sharing leftovers with an elderly neighbor lady.
Sleeping in the living room.
Trying to rap with the Lecrae CD- our girl's favorite gift.
Words from the Lord in my dreams at night.
Delilah the cat wearing a Christmas dress- and hating us for it.
A reminder of His constant provision.
Group texts with my family.
Prayers for revival on this mountain.
Laughter.  So much laughter.

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