Barefoot Missionary

Barefoot Missionary


Christmas trees and grace.

I end the first week at the safe home so in awe of the goodness of my sweet Lord.  His grace is sufficient.  Much more than sufficient.

I shake my head and keep saying "He's just so good..."

And He is-- He loves me so well!

Our "guest" is adjusting to life here so wonderfully...such a good kid.  We're connecting well.  We laugh together. We take selfies on my phone.  We watch Christmas movies and bake sugar cookies.  We picked out the perfect tree and strung a million rainbow lights.

And my weaknesses keep me depending on Him.  He's teaching me to enter His presence even when I'm far from my beautiful, crazy, God-chasing friends back home.  Even when the internet is patchy and my worship stations don't load.  Even when I'm tired and it's early morning.  He's been speaking in the silence, in the unexpected.  Holy Spirit (Mr. Enthusiastic) vigorously kisses the top of my head and whispers truth to my spirit.  And I rest because He is working here, not me.

I'm still not qualified for this position.  But God has put grace on my life for this work.  An anointing, if you will.  This is just what He has put on my heart, asked me to do, and covered me with extra grace for it.  The same as if you're called to preach to millions, travel to the nations, or be a mom.  He's given you the anointing-grace for that, you'll complete it, and He'll be glorified.

He' so good.

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