Barefoot Missionary

Barefoot Missionary


My Jubilee.

God first broke my heart for sex trafficking when I was 14 years old.

Earlier this year I realized that this was the seventh year since that calling.  And God spoke that it was going to be a year of jubilee, of breakthrough, of open doors.

Tomorrow I turn 22, so I'm pausing to reflect on this jubilee...

*photo credit- Alison Yoder Photography
A powerful intercessory trip to the Dominican Republic where He began teaching me what it looks like to pray what I hear from the Holy Spirit.  He kept drilling into me the fact that I really do have authority over evil, because He is in me!

Two months in Amsterdam, the Netherlands...a season of intimacy with my Jesus-Husband! And it was so, so wonderful.  Reveling in His love for me, then pouring out that lavish love in the red light districts.  Stepping out in faith-- seeing the signs and wonders, because He pushed me to make a fool of myself if He didn't come through.  Praying down revival all over that city, because I absolutely believe it's coming!

A time of quietness, rest, and worship at home.  A harder season, one of Him rooting me deeper in Himself, purging out the things that weren't pure, lovely, true.  Identity.  Waiting; so much waiting.  Networking, too...putting me in the right places at the right times to meet people I wouldn't have otherwise.  And so much acceleration- quickly doing things in me, for me, through me, that in another season would have taken months.  

I got to minister at a porn show, pray over a strip club area (& see an adult video store close down!), and do awareness outreaches at truck stops...

And I finish this seventh year making plans to move into a safe house!  It's been on my heart for years, and I can't believe it's really happening.  But it is, and I walk forward in the destiny He is releasing over me.

And while I'm so excited about this new opportunity, I realize it's just another season of training.  Because now He's put entire cities, nations even, on my heart.  So I won't camp out on this mountaintop, because I know the next one is even bigger, even more of His heart, even more transformation and redemption for this issue. 

From glory to glory!


  1. Go God Go.
    (If you want a fun study. Study the Cherebims. They go 'wherever the Lord goes'...)
    This is so true of your life.
    So good.

  2. Ah, God is so good! And you have so much of God in you! Like you said, His promise is to take you from glory to glory: as you behold the glory of the Lord, you are being transformed into the same image... from glory to glory... it's like Revelation 4 in the kingdom of your heart! May the kingdom, may the throne room in your heart overflow!
