Barefoot Missionary

Barefoot Missionary


Dancing over reality.

Last week I was up at the safe house for several days-- trainings, organizing, going through old paperwork... And it's been so easy to get discouraged.  To hear of previous girls who were at the home, to see glimpses of their pain, and the long, hard road to freedom and healing.

Reality sets in.
(Oh, I hate that word!)

That this really is a hard work.  That the results won't always be cleaned up and tidy, with a red cherry on top.  That I will be broken, cursed, crushed.  Stretched to the end of myself, then stretched even more.

And for a few days, my feet drag and my head hangs.  Oh God, what have I gotten myself into?

And then my ever-faithful, ever-patient Jesus reminds me of the words He has whispered to my spirit for literally years:
"Dream bigger.  Dream as big as you can, because what I'm doing can't even be measured."
"Don't just look at the individual...dream for the nations, for entire societies being transformed. I AM doing a new thing!"
"My answer is YES."
"Don't be realistic- I'm certainly not realistic.  Reality kills passion...Listen to the things I'm telling you!"
"Believe for the end of sex trafficking globally, in your lifetime.  And throw in pornography, too.  Believe Me for the end of the porn industry!"

So I worship.
I dance.
I believe.
I declare.

And the heaviness lifts, because it can't stay where He is.

I stand up and say that I will not live as defense.  I am offensive, and I am advancing into enemy territory.  I am not content to merely defend the Kingdom of Jesus-- I will storm the gates of hell and take back the the territory and the souls that the enemy has stolen.
I say that I will be obedient- even if He asks me to do small things.  Even if the work He's calling me to looks utterly different than I imagine.  Even if He calls me to things that will be misunderstood, mocked and judged.

Because He's worth it.

Will you join me?
No matter what circumstances are flying out of control in your life right now.  No matter how big the work God is calling you to.  Or how small.  No matter how hard the enemy fights to stop you.  No matter how long ago God spoke His words to your spirit, and even if everything around you says the words aren't true, aren't from God.

Believe Him for it.
Because I know Who wins!


  1. So glad we're in this journey together! Love you sis. Praying for you!!

  2. Wow Abby exceptional so encouraging and so true! I am also believing Jesus what seems unrealistic and impossible...I think Jesus specializes in that! Loads of love Lisa. B (SA)!

    1. Yes He does! I can't to see how He works it all out! Love you too, dear friend!

  3. Warrior of The Father, that's what you are, Abby! I am delighted, as I follow this beautiful life of yours... one so filled with passion && courage, that I know the devil trembles in fear, when he sees you approach his playground!! And so I bless you- with the strength and grace, from Yahweh Himself! Love you,
    Bri Stoltzfus

    1. Oh Bri friend, thank you for this. I receive! He is so good, so beautiful...and I just try to follow. Love to you- and increased faith, joy, and healing for the journey!

  4. Always look to the Father for your strength... you will have days here that you do feel discouraged....but Jesus is our total freedom.. even when the girls curse you, hit you, and try to crush you and even the days when you feel there has been much progress and then something happens to trigger their precious minds back to the horrible life and it seems you have to start all over.. always remember this..that each bad day and each emotion is not a stumbling block but a stepping stone into their healing, and that Jesus is bringing them out of the darkness.. but sometimes they will stumble and we are their to help them back up.. yes Abi it is a hard and brutal ministry.. but when you lead that first girl to the Lord and when you begin to see a glimpse of hope in their will is worth all the hard work.. and know that we may not see the finished them but that here at Oasis we are seed planters... and those seeds will grow whether it is here or somewhere else.. but they will never forget the love that they will feel from you and the other workers.. the love from Jesus that flows through you.. they will never forget that or you...and you will never forget them... A hard got that right.. but, Jesus never said this would be easy.. never forget the vision and dreams He has placed within your heart.. that is what has kept me going and helped me not to be a quitter... <3... you will be making a life at a time~~~ deb
