Barefoot Missionary

Barefoot Missionary


A New Identity.

I left Amsterdam one week ago.
And I left with crazy anticipation for that beautiful city-  a confidence that Jesus, who has begun a good work, will carry it out to complete fullness.

the RLD- that will one day be transformed!

Amsterdam carries a forerunner identity.  The enemy has twisted that identity and Amsterdam has become a forerunner in its liberal, humanistic mindset- legalizing prostitution, marijuana, gay marriage, etc.  But that forerunner identity is from Jesus.  Europe, and the world, watches Amsterdam.  Revival is coming to Amsterdam- it's already started!  And when the Holy Spirit fully descends on this city, the world will watch.  And follow.

Amsterdam is currently a place where people come for sex and drugs.  But the day is coming when the city will be completely transformed- and it will be known as a place of holiness and purity.  People will still come to Amsterdam from all over the world- but they will be coming to experience the presence of God, because they've heard that God lives in Amsterdam. The women- once the city's biggest attraction- will be the very ones to lead people into the arms of Jesus.

The cool thing is that these prophecies are already starting to be fulfilled!

In recent years, the local government of Amsterdam has shut down 50% of the prostitution windows in an effort to beautify the city and clean up the red light district.
And just last week, the mayor announced at a city hall meeting that the legal age for women working as prostitutes will be raised from 18 to 21, and the windows will close at 2:00 AM each morning, instead of being open around the clock.

Just in the seven weeks I was in Amsterdam, 5 ladies working in the windows accepted Christ!  And several others have become Christians in recent months!  People are opening up- receiving revelations of Jesus, beginning to consider that Jesus may be the answer they are looking for, experiencing His presence, receiving prayer...  This is the first fruits of the harvest; the beginning of the revival!

'Shine' students at our graduation

And Lancaster...
God's not just working in Amsterdam; He's stirring up Lancaster County, too!  I feel really strongly that the revival God is bringing to Lancaster will break into the underworld here as well-- into the prostitution and trafficking business, the drug trade, the criminal world.  Because when true revival comes, it affects every part of society!  What I've seen and witnessed in the Netherlands has only whet my appetite- because I know my Jesus is doing the same things here!

Soli Deo gloria!

1 comment:

  1. Amen! Some people sow the seeds, some water the plants and God gives the increase.
