Barefoot Missionary

Barefoot Missionary


Jesus stories!

Just wanting to brag on the goodness of Jesus for a little bit with a cool testimony:

Thursday afternoon as I was walking through the red light district (RLD), I saw a guy named Nathan (not his real name) I had met two weeks before and had gotten to pray for.  I chatted to him for a bit, then he introduced me to his friend- an British guy I'll call Harry.

Harry and I got to talking about God, and I told him I don't consider myself to be a religious person at all- I'm only interested in loving Jesus.  "So you're not going to try to convert me?", he asked.  I told him I would love nothing more to convert him-- but only because I want him to experience the love of Jesus too.  We chatted and joked around for a few minutes, then I asked Harry if he would believe in Jesus if He revealed Himself to him.  "Like in a dream or vision?", he wondered.  So right there, on a bridge over a canal, only a few feet away from prostitution windows, I prayed for dreams and visions for Harry.  And then he prayed for me, because deep down, his spirit recognizes the Truth.

Right before I fell asleep that night, God brought Harry to mind, so I breathed a short prayer, asking again for revelation for Harry that night.

Monday morning, my friend Kristal runs up to me, asking if I had met Nathan and Harry.  Turns out she met these 2 guys over the weekend and was also able to pray for them.  Harry then told her about my prayer and told her that Jesus had appeared to him in a vision that night!  He looked up and just saw Jesus- His head resting in His hands- simply watching him.  "I think I believe in Jesus now, because I saw Him. But I don't think I'm ready to give up my freedom yet..."

Praising Jesus for His faithfulness, for the revelation of Himself to a searching heart, and that He let me hear the testimony. Praising Jesus that Harry is His son, and one day soon he will realize it and be saved!

I opened my journal to write down this incredible story and saw the last words I had written: asking the Lord to increase my faith.

Last night then, a few of us hit the streets to pray over people and speak out God's blessings over the RLD.  None of us had anything specific on our hearts, so we just asked God to initiate conversations for us.  A few seconds later, some guys asked us if we wanted to go to a party and a girl asked if we had drugs.  No to both questions, but hello people to talk to and pray over.
Miraculous healings, Jesus-notes for working girls; prayer for a porn show bouncer and a few drunk/high people...and even more increased faith.
And boldness- suddenly I realized that He is answering my constant prayer for more boldness by replacing the fear of man with joy and excitement to speak to anyone who will listen. He's giving me words and cloaking me with the authority to speak them!

Man, He's so good.

Today- wherever you are, whatever you're doing- be encouraged that He is working, He hears your prayers and He will answer.

And would you join me in praying for Harry and Nathan's salvation?


  1. Jesus is so worthy to be bragged about! Praise Him!

  2. wow! God is so exciting!! This post totally inspired me...God is so amazing!!! Think how much power we have just waiting to be called down from Heaven~HE IS GREAT!
