Barefoot Missionary

Barefoot Missionary


The Kingdom in a red light district.

Some of my favorite places in the world are red light districts.

I am not attracted to the atmosphere of these places or to what happens here, but I live for the Presence of Jesus and I feel Him in the red light districts.  Yeah, I sense the evil as well, but the love of Jesus is so tangible, so alive in these dark places.  I feel that love even in me, and coming out of me- for the women trying to look happy from behind the windows and the men wanting to feel accepted.  And almost every time I'm out on these streets, I see Him working.  He's bringing His Kingdom and He fills me with hope and anticipation because His victory is ensured.

Last night I headed into Amsterdam's main red light district with a few other girls to prayer-walk.  We prayed over the people we passed, asking our Father to impart His powerful love into their lives.  My friend Miranda had gotten a few words from God earlier in the day for a specific girl, who would be wearing pink, and had written them down on a note in her pocket.  We finally found our girl along the main street.  Miranda got her attention and gave her the note.  "For me?  From who?!"  This beautiful woman couldn't believe someone would actually have a note for her.  And it wasn't just from anyone... The God of the universe loves her enough to have a personal message for her and tell Miranda what she would be wearing.

A break for frozen yogurt. ;)

We ran into one of our fellow students, Christian, who lives near the red light area.  He asked what we were doing and we told him we just wanted to see the Kingdom of God come to this area.  He was like "Okay, follow me!"  So Christian led us through the streets and alleys lined with women and showed us the things God has already started in this city...

Like a sign mounted into the wall of a bar declaring "God is my Strength" in Dutch.
And a random sculpture beside the sidewalk with Isaiah 21:12 engraved beneath it: "The watchman replies, morning is coming, but then night."
And a mission building with a sign declaring the joy of the Lord for the broken.

Then Christian told us about an old building that used to be a sex show but is now a mission and asked us if we want to see inside.  (He happens to have keys for everything around here.)  This building is smack up against one of the biggest sex show buildings in the city, so we ducked through the long line waiting for the show to start and entered a beautiful chapel where services are held every day... The circular design of the brick floor continues right out into the sidewalk and street- just like the worship that happens in this peaceful little room will spread and continue right into the streets.

Christian led us upstairs and we looked out over the street and prayed over the long line waiting to enter the sex show next door.  It was an interesting perspective to be standing in front of a window with the people below looking up at us, curious about what we were doing.  For a few seconds, I could understand the separation and objectification the women in the windows face every night.  

As we walked back to the YWAM base, I was filled with so much anticipation. There is such a rich heritage of faith in this city, in the very buildings...and what the enemy meant for evil, my Redeemer is going to turn around and restore seven-fold!  

And then we found chalk. So it was only right that we decorated the sidewalk the rest of the way home. :)

Thank you, Jesus for redemption, for hope.  For complete restoration of the broken.  You are so good.


  1. Abby...may God continue to give you His Eyes...His Love...His Words as you reach out to the ones that He created and loves so much inspite of their choices...blessings!

  2. Go with God!You are an inspiration!

  3. yay! so good! so encouraging and beautiful.. would have gone out with you guys if i knew you were going out! :)

  4. whoa.! He is in the business of redemption! It's so fun to watch what He does in putting ugly, sinscarred pieces together and making a totally glorious thing! HE IS ALIVE! Thanks for letting us know what Jesus is doing in Amsterdam, Abby! It brings hope to the fact that Jesus is doing great things! "the weapons of our warfare are NOT carnal...but mighty to the point of pulling down strongholds...and spiritual wickedness in highplaces." I pray for you when I think of you (even tho I don't know you:) So Jesus bless you and keep you!

  5. A-MAZING...yes, the faithfulness of GOD is amazing & I love that chalk message idea! :)
