Barefoot Missionary

Barefoot Missionary


She met Jesus in her window.

On Sunday- the celebration of Pentecost- I had the incredible privilege of witnessing a baptism on the beach.  It wasn't just any baptism... No, this dear lady was formerly prostituted- deceived into working behind the windows here in Amsterdam.  Where she's been for years.  And just a few months ago she met Jesus in her window.

And now- she is fiery and full of the joy that only comes from intimacy with the Father.  She can't stop talking about Jesus and her new life; in fact, she's led several of her prostituted friends to the Lord in the few months she's been a Christian!

I watched her during worship on the beach... a huge smile on her face, weeping for joy at the perfect Love she has found.  Coming up from the water screaming and jumping- so excited about this next step of dying to self and new life in Christ; celebrating the Lord's victory over the enemy.

I have seen so many beautiful pictures of restoration and redemption over the past few weeks... an ex-pimp who now loves Jesus and takes advantage of every opportunity to share the Gospel.  A former prostitute, visited by Jesus in visions; transformed into a mighty intercessor.  A broken childhood, which led to prostitution- and now a mother of 4.  Healing of gender identity struggles and freedom in Jesus.  An argumentative man experiencing Holy Spirit's presence right outside the red light district.  And this dear lady- an evangelist to everyone she meets.  

My favorite part about witnessing this special baptism?
My spirit telling me this will not be the last baptism I witness of a woman coming out of sex trafficking.  This is only the beginning of many- the tip of the iceberg!  This is just a picture of the full restoration and perfect redemption my Jesus has planned for prostituted women all around the world.  And pimps, and drug dealers, and traffickers.  There will be so many more crazy baptisms; the ones the world has neglected and given up on, Jesus is waiting to save and transform.  This is only a mere glimpse of what is to come... of what will soon feel normal, because it's happening so much.  And my spirit leaps within me, just waiting for the right timing, the open doors; knowing with even more certainty that this is what I am called to-- walking beside victims of evil, leading them into the beautiful destiny Abba has planned for them.

Celebrating the Lord's faithfulness- on the windy beach!
I just found out another lady accepted Christ in the windows this week- the 3rd one in the few weeks I've been here! 
My spirit rejoices... Revival is here.


  1. Wow, wow and wow! This is incredible! Praise God! so happy for her and for you to get to witness it :)

  2. So absolutely incredible! I love this.

  3. Reading your blog makes me cry... with joy and hope, that Jesus is at work rescuing not only the bodies but also the souls of these precious women! I just read 'Terrify No More' and that's all I can think of. I just love your heart, Abby!!
