Barefoot Missionary

Barefoot Missionary


The first window.

Yesterday for the first time, I saw a lady working in a window.

It looked just like any other street here in Amsterdam: brick sidewalk, a bridge over the canal, parked bikes.

And suddenly there she was.

An old-fashioned red light shone above her window, telling everyone who passed by who she was and what she was selling.  

I offered a quick smile in her direction then looked away.  Nothing could have prepared me for that...  It's so open here; glorified, almost.  Tourists ask for directions to get to the red-light districts, because it's part of what you "need to see" when you're in Amsterdam.  People take pictures and laugh and have a good time. Men walk from window to window looking for the perfect girl.

As I walked past the windows, I smiled at the girls and tried to make eye contact with them.  Almost every one looked away.  And why shouldn't she?  Behind all the makeup, her eyes would give too much away.  And it's her body that's being purchased, after all; who needs to see her heart?

(A woman is working in a window under each red lamp.)

So I pray and ask Jesus to be physically visible on and upon me.
And I hope that these beautiful women can see love in my eyes.  Because He is Love.
And despite the pain and despair I see all around me, I choose to believe the words God has given to this city:  that He's coming back in, that Amsterdam will be a gateway of His glory for all of Europe, that revival is coming and the sex trade is already beginning to crumble.

Let it be!


  1. Wow..abby. I can't even imagine seeing that. So heartbreaking. So glad you have the opportunity to shine Jesus in such a place! Pray that revival in.
    love ya, Mel

  2. Abby, may the love of our great Jesus be so evident in you. Keep close to Him sister and He will use you. Blessings

  3. "Almost every one looked away. And why shouldn't she? Behind all the makeup, her eyes would give too much away. And it's her body that's being purchased, after all; who needs to see her heart?"

    wow... so so sad. And each of them has a story...praying for you abby! Believing that His light can shine out of your eyes- keep smiling!

  4. I'm praying that they will see Jesus in you, Abby. You're doing an amazing work for Christ just by being there. May He fill you with strength and joy.

  5. Oh friend, I praise Jesus that you are there interceding for these women who are so precious to Jesus. This moved me to tears. Praying that as Jesus rests upon you, these women will see the compassion and love that He has for them and that they will be open to hearing from Him. Oh Jesus, open up the hearts of these women to receive a touch from you! com'on friend the ;)

  6. I pray that the beauty of Jesus will be seen in you and they will hunger to have it too.
