Barefoot Missionary

Barefoot Missionary


Passionate about Jesus.

“I don't want to be known as someone who is passionate about ending human trafficking.  I want to be known as someone who is passionate about Jesus.  I am passionate about human trafficking because Jesus is passionate about it.” –Elisabeth, leader of 'The Lighthouse', a ministry of YWAM Amsterdam

Yes, yes, yes!

If I am focused on the issue, no matter how right and noble it is, I can easily become another annoying activist.  I can't explain my calling to work with trafficking victims, other than it feels like it's straight from the Father's Heart.  He has put the call in my soul.  But the minute I turn my focus from Him to the call itself, I miss the point.  

The direction of my heart- during my time here in Amsterdam, and the rest of my life- needs to be intimacy with Jesus.  When I truly know Jesus, I know what touches His heart, what angers Him, what compels Him to act, what makes Him dance and smile and laugh.  Love for Jesus needs to be my motivation in ministry.

And it's out of that place of beautiful, holy intimacy that I can minister.  When I know the Father, I can impart what I know of Him to the people I want to reach.  I have authority to speak on what I know.  
Who I know.

"As a Christian, I am connection point between heaven and earth... It is an encounter with Jesus that will change the world."  -Elisabeth

When I cultivate a deep, love relationship with Jesus, I leave off the fragrance of Him wherever I go.  I can change the atmosphere just by my presence.  Because my presence carries His.

This week I finally realized, really understood, that Jesus' heart is for justice even more than mine is.
(Duh Abby.  This calling is from Him, afterall.) 

I don't need to strive and work to bring justice, thinking that I need to do it all myself... He's way ahead of me... Justice was His idea!  He is Justice.  He's already working... and all He's asking me to do is partner with Him-- to lean into Him, hear His heart, and then speak out what I hear.  

preparing for class...

I'm loving my time here at YWAM Amsterdam so far... Classes 5 days a week with 30 other people with similar callings on their lives, understanding the European prostitution industry, intercession for justice, outreach in the red-light districts on Friday nights...

But more than anything during these next 6 weeks, I want to press deeper and deeper into Jesus.  To completely align myself with His Spirit, to understand His heart, to cultivate perfect obedience in whatever He asks of me. 

And that, my friends, is what will change the world.


  1. Embrace His Call...Heart His His hands and His His light...blessings to you as you make a Difference for Him!

  2. God bless you, Abby, as you seek to know Jesus even MORE! I'm inspired by the intimate, knowing way to you talk about Him! He's a Beautiful Savior!

  3. i LOVE this, Abby, because it's not just Amsterdam that Jesus is passionate about, He's also passionate about ME being passionate about where I/we are here in our home on our journey! Esther

  4. Go Abby! Thank you for boldly claiming your calling and letting us come along for the ride as you work to change the lives of the oppressed. God bless you!
