Barefoot Missionary

Barefoot Missionary


Amsterdam and hope.

A lot of you have probably heard by now that I'm headed to Amsterdam, Holland in a few days... I will be attending a 6-week training course and hands-on ministry by YWAM on the issue of sex-trafficking. And here's how it happened:

When I came back from Asia in December, I wanted specifics of what God was calling me to do next, what to expect, details...
Abba was far more interested in me learning to walk in faith and trust than in spelling it all out for me.  But He did tell me He would lead me one step at a time, and He would open doors.

He sure did that with my trip to the Dominican Republic (I contacted the team leader the day the plane tickets were bought!) and it was actually on that trip and through that team leader, Joy, that I first learned about the training in Amsterdam.  Joy had been online and saw the YWAM Amsterdam page on her search history, clicked on it and saw the information about the conference.  She has no idea how the website got there, because she hadn't been on their website for months!
I was interested as soon as I heard about the training, but didn't think it would work out, especially with my best friend Claudia getting married over that time.  I checked the dates apprehensively, but what do you know, the training ended 3 days before her wedding.
I remembered coming back from Thailand and saying that Amsterdam was next on my list.  I so wanted to see the other side of the sex trade- I had witnessed the poverty and dirt of Asia, now I wanted to understand the commercialized, legal prostitution in Holland.
I fasted for several days, really seeking confirmation about whether or not God wanted me to go... And at the end of the fast, someone gave me a "random" money gift- which happened to be $100 for every day I had been fasting!  Okay, I'm in.

And Jesus has been so faithful with all the little details...He keeps reminding my sometimes-forgetful heart that He sees all the little things and will provide all that I need.  Like a European electrical adapter on sale for $3 at K-Mart.  And Goodwill polka dot rain boots and a thrift store raincoat-find for a wet climate.
He's so good.

I'd appreciate your prayers as I go... Holland is a secular society where pretty much everything is legal and God has been kicked out.  But He's coming back!  I'm believing great things for the city; and I've heard some crazy testimonies of conversions and healings in just the past few weeks!

Also- in light of all the attention that the issue of sex trafficking has received recently, and how overwhelming and monstrous it all is, I want to share what I believe God is doing...because there is HOPE.

I believe- in the deepest parts of my soul- that Jesus is setting things in motion to bring down the sex trade on a global scale!  I've heard so many prophetic words about this, seen testimonies, and heard it from His very heart...  God is using all the awareness (and even the unnecessary hype)  to prepare the world for what He's going to do.  I have no idea what it will look like, but I do believe that before the end of the world, the sex trade will fall!  Especially the forced prostitution and human trafficking- God sees, and His heart is for justice.  It will be supernatural, it will be powerful.  It will be Jesus.  Revival is coming- it's already started!- and this will be a result of revival!  Revelations 17-18 talk about the fall of the "Great Prostitute- Babylon" which I believe at least in one sense is referring to the literal issue of sex trafficking in the world today.  God says to this monster: "...In a single hour your doom has come! ...With sudden violent force Babylon the great city will be thrown down and it will never be found again!" (18:10, 21)
And I love verse 20:  "Rejoice over her, O heaven, and you saints and apostles and prophets, for God has pronounced judgment against her on your behalf!"
We are making a difference. It's because of the intercession of the righteous that Jesus brings judgment! Yes!

"All Your sons and Your daughters, dreaming the dreams of their Father; seeing the signs and the wonders... We're calling for revival...It's burning in my soul..."  

Amen; let it be!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. So awesome... your faith is very challenging and encouraging. I want to believe the same... that God will bring down this 'trade' for His glory. Will be praying for you as you head to Europe!

  3. Have you read the book that is reviewed on The Mennobrarian? Sounds like a good one.
