Barefoot Missionary

Barefoot Missionary


perfect love. and intercession. {D.R.}

God has been faithful in leading me one day at a time, one step after another.

In February, when I was at the training week at Myrtle Beach (see previous post), 3 people talked to me about an intercessary trip that was being planned to Dominican Republic.  The focus of the trip was breaking off strongholds over the country that are allowing women to be trafficked into and out of the country for prostitution.  I was immediately interested in going along, but didn't think it would work out... So soon after IGo, money, etc.  Then someone gave me a word from God saying that I need to "run through open doors"- because God's heart is so much for the women and children caught in the sex trade.

So I knocked on the door.  And it swung wide open.
I sent an awkward email to a lady named Joy.  "Hi, my name is Abby.  Um, 3 people that know you mentioned this trip you're planning... And, uh, I'm definately interested if you still need people."  An hour later I had a reply- the team had been praying for the 7th woman (the number God had given for the trip); and Joy wanted to order tickets that night.  Needless to say, Abba said yes. 

Skip ahead to March 13-20: one week in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic.

Going into the trip, I had been reading several books on spiritual warfare.  And found myself really giving into a spirit of fear about the trip- fear of the demonic, fear of warfare and intercession, of getting in over my head... I was at a spontaneous worship night where several friends realized the lies I was believing and broke them off in the name of Jesus.  Suddenly instead of just knowing, I really believed with my heart that perfect Love casts out all fear.  And when I am living in that Love- Jesus- there is no room for fear.

I grabbed ahold of the fact that nothing could touch me unless God allowed it.  Abba began speaking to my heart that He would be my Archery-Trainer (Ps. 144), He would fight my battles, He would protect me (Ps. 91).  And because I am His daughter, I can walk in power and authority!

The trip was so good.
Walking a red-light street in Sosua (D.R. prostitution capital)- feeling myself come alive, realizing again that this is what I was created for, feeling again Jesus' heart for prostitutes and the poor.    Praying over the women we saw and talked with, believing- when they couldn't- that Jesus both sees and loves them.  Believing in the redemption of their broken stories and hearts- because He's worked redemption so powerfully in my own life.  Claiming the entire street for the Kingdom- believing in faith that it will not always be full of clubs and foreign men.  Anointing bars, recognizing that my Jesus is bigger and stronger than the gangs and mafias that run them. 

Interceding for hours at a time- for repentance, for revival, for God to turn the curses into blessings (Deut. 23:5).  Praying over schoolkids, believing they will be an Elijah-generation, paving the way for Jesus.  Praying over Pastor Luis and his church, and hearing God confirm what He had told us-  Pastor Luis said "Just this morning and yesterday morning, God told me He is doing a new thing in this country!  He will bring revival!"  Divine appointments with women on the street who are desperate for prayer and a new life.  Breaking off the bastard curse over this land, and breaking down the control of the Jezebel spirit that had ruled the country for years.

God is doing a new thing in the Dominican Republic- revival is coming!  And as the Christians are filled with the Holy Spirit and power- they will go into the streets and bring the prostitutes, drug dealers and criminals to Jesus.  AMEN.

The trip is over, and I see a long row of doors before me.  So I lift my hand and begin knocking... waiting for the next one that will swing open.


  1. Job well done, my sister and friend! Keep it up!

  2. Wow! Praise Jesus! Thx for sharing this.

  3. Blessings to you dear Abby! It's so exciting to hear your journey and how God is leading you!
