Barefoot Missionary

Barefoot Missionary


Hipsters, Punks, and Jesus.

The girl with thick, crazy dreds.  The guy with gauges in his ears.  (Mom, guages are those tribal-looking earrings that spread your ears and are in style these days.)  The teens in skinnies and beanies.  The youth from traditional churches; the kids from broken homes.

THESE are the people that God has chosen. 

They- like the fishermen-disciples- are unlikely candidates for greatness.
But the disciples and apostles turned their known world upside down. 
And so will this generation.  They've already started.

Like Joel prophesied thousands of years ago:
"I will pour out my Spirit on all kinds of people.  Your sons and daughters will prophesy.  Your elderly will will have revelatory dreams; your young men will see prophetic visions.  Even on male and female servants I will pour out my Spirit in those days...  It will so happen that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be delivered." (Joel 2:28-29, 32)

Because God is gracious and merciful and I believe He will give the entire world one final, glorious encounter with Himself.  One last chance to follow Him.  His heart is for every single person to know Him.  I believe the end is coming, and God really is pouring out His Holy Spirit on everyone who is asking for Him.

Why this generation?
Because people are choosing to give up the normal, complacent life in exchange for something so much greater.  Because they are taking the Word of God literally- and acting with incredible faith.  Because they are giving up food and sleep, reputations and dignity, friends and families, to live in the Presence of a holy God.

It's a glorious thing. 
It's only just beginning.
And the world is watching.

Soli Deo gloria!

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