Barefoot Missionary

Barefoot Missionary


Growing Faith. (& I'm coming home!)

"You must live with the assumption that God is doing more than you can see- even when your heart doubts."

This pretty much sums up alot of what the Great Teacher spoke to me during my time in Egypt.  Before I left, I had such a joyful anticipation of what God was going to do through our time in Cairo.  And as I prayed over so many people- the lady with burned limbs, the baby with hydrocephalus, Muslim women searching for Jesus, I kept waiting for miraculous healing, for visible proof that He was working.

I was disappointed.  "God, I absolutely believe you are the Healer; I know you can work these miracles!"
And then He began to teach me an even greater lesson than faith in His power.  He began to teach me faith despite visible results.  If I only believe because I can see, that's not faith.  And slowly but surely, my heart believed that God did indeed hear every cry and He really is working.  All in His timing.  I have done what He asked, and now it's all in His hands. 

And strangely, my faith is strengthened. 

Praying over the baby with hydrochephalus

Three more days at IGo, then I'm going home!  I'm going to miss Asia- especially the men and women of Thailand's red-light streets, but I'm so ready be see all that God is doing, to step back into the real world (whatever that is) and apply all that I've learned here. 

So what's next?
I have no idea.  But He does.  And I can't wait till He reveals the next step!
I'm planning to take the next several weeks to spend alot of time praying and really seeking the will of God for my future.  I'm considering college- to major in counseling/child psychology... and I'm hoping to connect with some Lancaster groups that are working to combat human trafficking.

My bar ministry team and our precious drivers :)

Thank you, thank you to everyone that has supported me during my time here!  God has used you in powerful ways to bless my life- through your prayers, gifts, encouragement, and financial support.  God has used my time here- made possible by all of you!- to teach me so much more about His heart and the vision He has given me.  I feel so unworthy- yet so incredibly grateful for your generosity.  May God bless you richly for your sacrifice!

My wonderful team-- after our last night on the Chiang Mai streets.

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