Barefoot Missionary

Barefoot Missionary


Rest in the Calling.

{for my friends with a calling}

Over and over again Jesus has been telling me to simply rest.
And in the resting, I wrestle. Because what does it look like to rest in Jesus yet simultaneously be walking with a heavy calling?
My spirit would love to take a year or two with Jesus and just worship.
But my spirit also burns within me for the plight of the victims of the commercial sex industry and I can't imagine taking a year away from this journey I'm on.

-"Am I even resting, Lord?  How do I rest in the calling?"

Then this morning as I sat with my journal and an in-house mug at a coffee shop ("How to Rest", Step #1) Jesus began to reveal to me what it looks like to truly rest...

Resting was Mary saying yes to God's proposed calling on her life.  Resting was believing a virgin could become pregnant with the Son of God without her doing a thing.  Resting was her letting an angel break the news to Joseph after she couldn't convince him of her purity.  Resting was her giving birth in a barn.  Resting was God taking her to Egypt when she didn't know how to save her newborn from King-murderers who wanted Him dead. ...Resting was Mary kissing His bloody, nailed feet- believing He was doing something greater than she could see.

"Resting is faith.  Resting is believing fully when I say I'm doing something, not worrying that it won't happen if you don't force it and knock on all the doors yourself.  But resting is also freedom- for you and Me.  Freedom from stress and striving for you, freedom to work and move for Me.  And it's a win-win, because I don't get as tired as you do.
"You're My Mary in this calling.  I chose you... And just like Mary simply said yes and I did the rest, all I need from you is a continual yes. And I will handle everything else."  -Jesus


  1. I get this. God bless you so much as you REST, and surrender in following Jesus and His plan for your life.

  2. Abby, this is so deep! And beautiful! "Rest is freedom... from striving." I love this. One of the greatest things He could ask of you in the resting is calling others to worship Him. You already do this so well.

  3. Beautiful....simply beautiful! Love it!!! Thank you....

  4. Something He's teaching me too... so good.
