Barefoot Missionary

Barefoot Missionary


Things God has taught me.

Four months ago I was a scared little girl stepping off a big plane praying that I'd have friends, reminding myself that this is where God has called me, praying for peace...

And now, looking back on first semester, I see how much God has done:

He's taught me that I can surrender everything- even my vision- because He is both Good and Trustworthy.

He has led me on a journey of what it looks like to walk in the Spirit- to live, breathe, move, speak out of what the Holy Spirit is asking me to do. 

He has trained my hands and fingers for war-- He has opened my eyes to the spiritual battle raging around me and shown me how to fight satan's attacks with Truth.  Because He is Truth.

He has brought even more healing and redemption to the broken parts of my heart and my story.

He has quieted me and taught me to listen to His still, quiet Voice.

He has given back my vision... He has shown me that He really does want me to work with victims of sex-trafficking and He will continue to guide my steps.

He's shown me more about Himself and how intensely He desires relationship with me.  And suddenly all that matters to me is knowing Him more. 

Brittany and Hollie

1 comment:

  1. I’m so excited for this journey of life...
    I want to go to IGO too!
