Barefoot Missionary

Barefoot Missionary


What I've Learned...

  • If you have a shirt that's a little bit too small, wear it to Bible club at Montpelier.  It'll get stretched out in no time.
  • Ox-tail and chicken foot really are better than they sound.  Not gonna say that about goat fat, though.
  • chicken-foot soup
  • White aprons (for Blossom) just really aren't that practical.
  • Cliff-jumping 35-ft. at Rick's Cafe is thrilling.  Just try not to think about the 1-backbreak/week ratio.    
  • God will give purpose to those who ask.  He certainly did it for me with Blossom.
  • Corn-rows just don't work on white girls.  (Or white boys, I'm sure.)
  • A dishwasher would be a nice investment for JRM.
  • Patwa can be a bit confusing.  "Sell mi wan bokkle a iyl."  Translation: "Sell me a bottle of oil."  (And, yes, I did just google "how to speak patois".)
  • Our Father has a special place in His heart for orphans... I can tell.
  • When you're hiking up the trail to the Montpelier school, make sure you have firm footing.  Because an excited child might come and knock you down with his hug.  (Um.  But not like I would know from experience or anything.)
  • Climbing over the chain-link fence at Blossom to fetch a ball for little Adrian is worth it.  Even if he was so nervous and excited that he peed.

  • God is working in ways much bigger than I will ever see.  And all I can do is join Him.

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