Barefoot Missionary

Barefoot Missionary


Goodbye Jamaica

I'm sitting in the Montego Bay airport, preparing to leave the country.
(...That's how I was going to start this post.  Yesterday afternoon.  Until I couldn't get WiFi in the airport.)
Some things didn't work out at the mission in Jamaica, so my family has moved back to America.  (And a very cold  America, at that.)  It's been a difficult past few days for our family-- saying goodbye to all our beautiful Jamaican friends, not sure if we'll ever see them again.  Many tears.  It was so hard for me to leave the dear children at Blossom Gardens orphanage.  I have to trust that God sees them and will continue to pursue them.  He knows their hurts, He feels their pain.  And He will take care of them.
A few nights ago, I listened to a Louie Giglio talk on hope.  And Louie said that if he had been standing at the cross, watching Jesus die, he would have viewed it as THE WORST thing that could ever happen.  The Son of God being murdered.  But now, 2,000 years later, when he looks at the cross, he sees it as the most BEAUTIFUL thing in all history.  Jesus giving up his life to save the world. 
God can take something painful and turn it into something amazing.  Even if it takes 2,000 years. 
We would definately appreciate your prayers for our family.
That we could re-adjust to life here in Lancaster.
That God would be glorified.

-Auntie Abby

Tianna (from Blossom)

Blossom school-girls

(most of) my precious schoolers...

baby Brian

neighbor girls Shakira, Kemesha, and Ashanti

last time at Montpelier...


 *At this point, I plan to keep up the blog and chronicle kid's clubs in Lancaster City.  Thank you all for your support.  Soli Deo gloria.


  1. Abbey, my love to you, Hannah & your mom! God has a plan & He WILL glorify Himself! my love! - e

  2. When one door closes another will open elsewhere.
    Hope you adjust to the cold. My husband and I are going to Dominica next month-I can't wait!!!
    Any chance I could get your email address?

  3. So right on Abby...I feel your pain...but pursue Jesus even harder in it! I had no idea when I left Jamaica 3 years ago with my heart crushed in a million pieces that it was because God was gonna give me back my beautiful baby girl...but Look What He Did!!! =) Love you...prayers! Sheila

  4. o abby definitely praying for you and ur family as u all readjust!! praying that God pours His strength into u all and that u are able to just trust Him during this time!! much love

  5. Thank you all so much for your prayers!

  6. Hi Abby.

    I sent you an email on your gmail account. Would love to ask you some questions about your time at BLossom Gardens.

