Barefoot Missionary

Barefoot Missionary



It wasn't really a surprise for me when my daily Bible reading led to this verse... "The one who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much." (Luke 16:10)  It's what Jesus has been whispering into my soul over and over, day after day.

I had always thought that this verse meant little faithfulness was a prerequisite for the things that require great faithfulness and reap huge results.  Then Jesus showed me that to Him, little faithfulness is big faithfulness.  That me doing my best to love and serve well here, on a mountain where few people see, is the same to Him as if I was doing great ministry and influencing thousands!  This is worship.  To Him, this is Mary pouring out all her money as oil on His feet.  To Him, my ministry here is my perfume.

I know that my obedience here blesses Him.  And that makes it worth it.

1 comment:

  1. "little faithfulness is big faithfulness" Love it! And your journaling is very cool. :)

    if you haven't, you should check out this blog:
    very good, and challenging.

