Barefoot Missionary

Barefoot Missionary


Jesus at a porn show!

Well, I'm back from a crazy, wonderful outreach at the Exxxotica pornography convention in New Jersey.  And as is often the case, blogging becomes my processing...

Every time I'm in a sex industry environment, my spirit becomes so alive.  I know I was created for these places, I know I am stepping into my destiny.
Every time, I experience the love of Jesus in a deeper way- because these are His kids and His love for them is in no way based on their actions or choices.  He just really, really loves them!
And every time, Jesus shows up and encounters the hurting.

I was at the convention with a team from XXXchurch-- We set up a booth like all the other vendors and producers and passed out stickers and 2,500 "Jesus loves porn stars" Bibles.  Whenever we could, we engaged people in conversation and explained the message of the Gospel.  And overall, people were so receptive- we were Christians and we weren't condemning.  We were preaching Love and they were accepting the Word of God at a porn show!

-I was so honored to pray for the revelation of Jesus over one guy who later said he got all warm and his heart skipped a beat as I was praying. "Maybe that was God?"  You know it, friend.  I'm believing Jesus will prove His existence and power to this man and he will become a warrior in the Kingdom!
-People getting teary-eyed and choked up as I spoke with them, because someone was just listening and caring... and praying for the revelation of Jesus over people and them accepting the prayer because they felt loved!
-I got into a lengthy conversation with a woman who believed in Jesus but was struggling to find peace and surrender control.  As we were talking, she recognized that it was Holy Spirit speaking through me and when I asked if I could pray over her, she said "Where two or three are gathered... We're having church at a porn show!" So I got to pray for this lady to be filled with the Holy Spirit!  And she is beginning a journey of true surrender...
-At the beginning of the show God has given me a word for someone that I wrote down and kept in my purse.  God put a name and a color in my mind to help me find the girl the note was for, but I kept forgetting to look for her when I was at the show.  Right before I left, a sweet lady on staff with Exxxotica came up and introduced herself, asking if she could take a picture of our booth... And boom- same name, wearing the same color God had told me! She was so excited that God had a special message just for her.

And as always, there's conviction of sin in my own heart:
Usually when I don't want to step out and offer to pray for someone to be healed, it's because my faith is weak and I'm scared of how they (or my friends) will respond.  But this weekend, after praying for healing for several people, I had to wrestle with not even wanting them to be healed.  'You're at a stinkin' porn convention, you're buying this stuff, and I'm glad you're sick!'
Then Holy Spirit's sweet, gentle voice, "Baby, I love them as much as I love that girl dancing over there.  And I want them to be healed."
I'm convicted, and I offer to pray for the next wheelchair-guy I see.  He has a brain tumor and can hardly enunciate his words, and I'm moved with compassion towards him and pray for complete healing.  And I believe it's going to happen!
(Um yeah, God calls me 'baby'.) :)

Many, many seeds planted.  And I'm believing this is only the beginning-- hundreds of Bibles in the hands of porn stars, dancers, and consumers, and miraculous, physical healings that will take place and turn people to the Healer!  I can rest, because God will take it from here.  He has promised to bring it all to completion!

awesome outreach team members!

A huge thank you to all who were praying and fasting for me this weekend and to those who donated financially: Your support is so powerful!  I was so protected and covered by your prayers-- all my energy and focus could be poured into serving and ministering.  I bless you for your sacrifices and I believe Jesus will reward you!

(Check out for more info on porn show outreaches or for help with porn addictions.)


  1. so good. just so so good.

  2. Love it! The part where God gave you a message for a specific person was especially cool! Btw, you didn't just forget to look for her, God kept you busy so that he would bring the right one to you. ;)

    1. Hey, that's true! God is so cool. :)
      Thanks for commenting!

  3. Abby you are an amazing young woman of God..His love shines through every part of you... I am so blessed that God has brought you into Oasis and I just know that your super natural love will shine through to the hurting girls that have been sex trafficked.. Continued prayers for you as you continue to step into the destiny that only God could have you step into.. love you..

    1. Oh Debbie, I am so honored to work with you. And so, so excited about this new journey! I love what God is doing... Thanks for your prayers, dear lady!

  4. This is awesome! Love it... Keep up the great work and keep sharing JESUS!
    (Btw, God calling you baby is pretty cool... He doesn't call me that... lol...)
