Barefoot Missionary

Barefoot Missionary


Oh Jesus, wreck us.

What's on my heart tonight?

That every saint alive would receive a revelation of the lavish love Jesus has for him.  To not just know- we all know- but to believe.  To believe as the Shulammite believed in King Solomon's love for her; a love not won or bought, a love based on Him, not her.  A love that can't be lost because she never earned it in the first place.

Because in that moment, we could do anything.
Because in that moment, we would be truly free.
Because in that moment, every sinner alive would know that he too is incredibly loved by the King.
Because in that moment, our ministry would not be about us proving we are of worth to the Kingdom, or our identity, or our guilt.  No, ministry would be pure Love spilling out of ravished hearts.

"I see clearly that it is owning to our having too little practice in the love of God, which makes us think a soul cannot speak with God in such expressions."
-St. Teresa of Avila, 16th Century, on the Song of Solomon

//Oh Jesus, wreck us with your love.//


  1. Wow... I love the way you put thoughts into words... Thank you, I'll take a large serving of that heart-belief :)

  2. "Ministry would be pure Love spilling out of ravished hearts."
    --love this.
