Barefoot Missionary

Barefoot Missionary


moving my Father's heart

My power in ministry is not about my influence: persuasive words, networking skills, a great public persona, or convincing people to join and support my cause.  

No, my power and influence lies in moving my Father's heart.

I had been discussing with God about why He made me so sensitive and compassionate, why I cry easily.  Because it feels like a weakness; it feels inconvenient and embarrassing at times.  But then He told me that my compassionate heart is only a reflection of His.  That He catches my tears, that He doesn't want me to exclude Him from the pain I feel.  He said He loves when I dance for Him, but He also loves when I stop dancing and sit down in His lap and cry.  God showed me that my tears bring cleansing and healing- both to myself and the person I'm crying for.  My tears are the fruit of joy.  My sensitivity is a characteristic of the Godhead.  My compassion is far from a weakness; it's my biggest strength.

Father God told me that He cries when I cry.  So every time I cry for a situation, a person, a city, a nation- my Daddy is also crying.  My tears are stirring Father God's heart for a specific situation and He will act!  I can influence entire nations by my tears.  Because my tears move the very heart of God.

I love the freedom this brings-- I don't need to convince people to get on board with the vision Jesus placed on my heart, I don't need to strive (although I'm very good at that) to make things work like I think they should.  No, I can just worship Jesus, I can just cry.  I can just live in an intimate relationship with my God-Husband and He'll take care of the rest.  
My heart being moved for the things on His heart, and His heart being moved for the things on mine.

Yeah, I like this arrangement.

declaring God's promises over the Dominican Republic (March 2013)

on another note:

A lot of people ask if I'm afraid... and it's a legitimate question, I guess.
Honestly, doing ministry in a red light district is a lot less dangerous than it seems.  Hundreds of tourists (not you, of course) hang out in these places all the time.  Most of them are either gawking or laughing at the women where I'm trying to love them and let them know there's Someone greater who really loves them.  Lots of people, lots of lights = not that dangerous.  
On the other hand, there have been a few sketchy moments, and I'm not at all oblivious to the fact that most sex trafficking rings are run by organized crime syndicates.  

But Holy Spirit burns into my spirit that this is my destiny, this is my life-purpose;
so I don't care how dangerous it is.  He's calling me, He'll protect me.  And I trust Him absolutely.  I believe He will only allow evil to affect me if He already has some crazy redemptive stuff lined up for it-- so it's a win-win.
And I would much, much rather talk about what God is doing in the RLDs, then analyze the evil or discuss the twisted perversions and strongholds the enemy has set up.  Nah, let's just talk about Jesus because He's stirring up crazy stuff in some of the darkest places in the world!

"I am not afraid...I was born to do this." -Joan of Arc


  1. I love this post because it brings out what I've been going through lately as well. I don't have to do a certain thing to get DADDY to love me. And I DON'T have to push my own agenda. HE'S got it... Now that I'm living in the worst part of Harrisburg, I relate to you about being in a "dangerous" place. They nicknamed the street beside us "murder" market... But I'm the least bit scared because I know I'm just where God wants me and HE got it all under control.

    Btw, I love reading your posts. Your love for JESUS and the light that shines from your life in HIM is incredible and your blog vibrates with the radiant love of the FATHER. To that I just say, "MORE!"


    1. Yes! He's so faithful at taking care of all the details so we can just rest in Him! And it's so fun. :)
      Thanks for your encouragement, Justen-- blessings to you too as you continue at GCSSM- I love what God is doing!
