Barefoot Missionary

Barefoot Missionary


dreaming with Jesus

This week Jesus told me to dream bigger.

I don't know what He's up to in my life right now; I know it's big, but I can't see a lot of specifics at this point.  So it's just felt safer and easier to not dream too big, to keep things fairly realistic.  

And then during a coffee date with one of my best friends Kayla, in comes Jesus and practically dares me to dream as big as I can.

"I don't even know how to dream big right now!"...but somehow I start and realize I can't stop! 

-I'm dreaming of a day when sex trafficking is completely eradicated from the globe.  (Because if I'm called to a lifetime of fighting this evil, I have to believe my Jesus can end it!)
-when victims are saved, healed, and delivered supernaturally; not dependent on years of counseling and therapy
-Lancaster County becoming a "trafficking-free region"- a place where traffickers literally cannot bring girls, johns cannot solicit sex, and prostitution just doesn't happen!
-that I will one day work with (or for) International Justice Mission (even though I haven't attended a day of college in my life)
-lead a team to Ciudad Juarez, Mexico (one of the most dangerous cities in the world) and break off the strongholds that are allowing so much sex trafficking and murder in the city
-one day go back to Pattaya, Thailand and Amsterdam, the Netherlands and see the transformation of former red light districts...

"Ask for a confirming sign from the Lord your God.  You can even ask for something miraculous." -Isaiah 7:11  

God is doing a new thing in our generation-- the things that were once the "ceiling" for our levels of faith and conviction and power are now only the floors and springboards for us to leap off of... God is doing a new thing!  And I believe with all my heart that we are entering a season where the supernatural will break out like never before.  It's time to start dreaming with Jesus!  He's waiting; it's like He's begging us to dream impossible dreams so He can showcase His power and glory!

And God confirmed this whole lesson in one more way:
A few weeks ago I went with some friends to an area with several strip clubs and adult porn stores.  We spend the evening listening to God's heart for those places, then praying in agreement with what we heard from Him.  And just this week, I heard that one of those places has been boarded up, shut down, and has a 'for sale' sign in front of it.  It's the same place we specifically prayed for God to shut down and turn into something for His glory... He's so good!

Feel free to buy this place and turn it into a church or ministry. :)

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to keep adding to my "Dream List". 


  1. I know you don't know me, and I don't want to be one of those creepy blog stalkers, but I just want to share with you how much I appreciate the things you share here. I am so blessed by your desire to know Jesus and your passion for sharing Him wherever you are. I recently spent time in Asia and now that I'm back in Lancaster, I often struggle with being content where He has placed me. It's good to know that I am not alone in feeling like this, and I wanted to thank-you for the constant reminders that God is continuing to prepare us for HIS great purpose in our lives. God bless you as you continue to seek His heart and build His kingdom in Lancaster and around the world!


    1. Thanks for commenting, Katie! I love when God uses my processing to bless other people. God is doing a powerful work here in this county-- look for ways to get involved in what He's already doing! Faithfulness in the small things (another lesson He's teaching me.) :)
