Barefoot Missionary

Barefoot Missionary


Pattaya [will] Praise.

Let me just say there is something incredibly powerful about being on one of the darkest, red-light streets in Thailand and singing the praises of God at the top of your lungs. 

Ever since being in Pattaya- a city with an estimated 20,000 prostitutes- earlier this year, I have wanted to go back.  My dear friend Bree and I had talked alot about returning before we go home, but with a busy Monday-Friday class schedule, it just didn't seem possible.  So I turned the dream into more than capable God-hands, praying that He would make the trip happen if He wanted me to go.

Two weeks ago- out of the blue- one of our friends from the Pattaya Tamar Center was visiting Chiang Mai and invited us to come down to Pattaya for Pattaya Praise- a weekend of worship teams from all over the world uniting to bring the power and presence of God into a city that desperately needs it.

And God worked out all the details for us to go.
Crazy, spontaneous weekend- 14 hours by bus- one way.  And only about a day and a half actually in Pattaya.  But it was beautiful and powerful and full of God.

We spent Saturday morning at a carnival for slum kids that a team from Ireland was hosting.  Precious kids who understand terribly-accented Thai. :)
Praising God in the rain, knowing He will come in a downpour to this dry, weary city.

Ice cream, balloons, and Jesus music.

All weekend God kept confirming to Bree and me that He is not finished with Pattaya- He is working, and His glory will be known in this city!  And I can't wait to hear about it... Because it will be glorious.  Redemption is the theme of His heart- and He will bring beautiful redemption to the broken hearts in Pattaya- the poor slum kids; the defeated bar-girls; the desperate-for-love ladyboys.

Sweet friends and Holy-Spirit-dove bracelets. :)

Pattaya Praise at the end of Walking Street: singing, dancing, praying.
Saturday evening we got to join the worship teams for a time of incredible worship right in the heart of Pattaya- praying over the city, pleading for revival, repenting for the sins of the people... Just bringing the presence of our Abba Father into a place where His name is only spoken as a curse word.  And again, knowing in my spirit that this is only the beginning... I don't know what all God will do with this crushed city- but He is Redeemer, and He does see
And as I sing and dance and simply relish in the glory of my God, I am struck with the redemption that He was brought to my own life.  Broken pieces with sharp edges- now being framed into a crazy-colorful mosaic.  And as long as He gets glory, and people are drawn to Him through my testimony- it is incredibly worth it.

 Please intercede with me for Pattaya- a city that will forever hold my heart.  Pray for the 20,000- the men, women and children living in prostitution...And praise God for the revival that is coming!
{Soli Deo gloria.}


  1. I love What God is doing in this City.
    He cannot be Stopped!

  2. my heart is simply speechless when innocent littles are thrust into the adult-ness of evil long before they ever should the heart of God must weep! only Jesus can bring my speechless heart groanings to my Father & put words to it! be BLESSED today, blessed!
