Barefoot Missionary

Barefoot Missionary


A Day in the Life...

Hey kids.
Beautiful sunny day here on the island. (Translate: hot and sticky, like pretty much every day except for a few random hurricane-y days.)  We just got back from Montpelier Bible Club.  Today's flannel graph lesson was about God coming to Abraham to tell him he will have a son.  The students at the school are from 2-5 years old, so I really can't tell you if they understood the lesson. We try. :)

Two highlights of my week:

Monday night I went with Mom and Dad to Shelly's house for discipleship class with the new believers.  I took some coloring pages and crayons for the little kids to play with.  Usually it's just Shelly's three youngest kids that I try to entertain.  This time, however, five other neighbor kids were there as well.  We sat outside, on the stone driveway, under the neighbor's outside light, and colored our pictures.  Then we played hide-and-seek, freeze tag, and "Me a Mama".  "Me a Mama" is a great game.  Really.  You have two "Mamas" who run around with sticks and beat everyone who's not on base.  The boys are all being really sweet and only tapping me with their sticks.  Then 7-year-old Brittany is the "Mama".  Watch out boys, this girl means business.  (I had to calm down a few of the kids who were mad because Brittany hit too hard.)  :)  Nights like those (where I come home muddy and sweaty, and with leaves stuck all over the back of my orange T-shirt) make me super excited to one day start a kids club down here.  The neighbor kids are so desperate for love and approval.   //God, show them how much You love them.  Show them that You have a plan for their lives.//

Yesterday we visited Alison- the lady our youth group built a house for last year on our mission trip.  It was great to see her again and hang out with her kids for a little bit.  Alison is hoping to build an addition to her house if/when she can raise the money.  [Life Youth Group:  The boy in the yellow shirt in these pictures is the kid who was covered with blue paint last year.  He looks exactly the same, with the same long hair, except now you can tell that he's a boy.  (just sayin'.)]

Pat and Kirby with the kids (Ashley...and 2 Jamaican names that are easily mispronounced and forgotten.  Ahem.)
and me...never one to be left out.  baha.
Happy weekend, everybody.