Barefoot Missionary

Barefoot Missionary



Pattaya, Thailand... Where do I even start?  I heard the stats- 20,000 male, female and child prostitutes.  Over 50 bars on one street.  Etc, etc, etc.

And then I went to Pattaya. 
I saw the lights, the signs. 
I met the girls. 
And everything changed.

At first it was all so overwhelming... Loud music, girls everywhere, white men all over them.  As I walked down the streets, streets controlled by darkness, sometimes all I could do was say the name of 'Jesus'. 

Friday afternoon I went up to the 4th-floor prayer room to hang out with my Friend and just refocus.  I was laying on a rice mat, worshipping, when all of a sudden God gave me a picture of what He is doing in Pattaya.  I saw a black city: tall buildings, bars- all pitch black.  Then rising from behind the city was brilliant, beautiful light- every color imaginable.  And God was saying "Pattaya will not always be Pattaya.  Revival will come here.  The lights, the sex, the beer- all of it will be as blackness and night in comparison to the beauty and light of the LORD GOD."  The funny thing is that Pattaya streets are anything but physically dark- they are "red-light" districts- neon signs flashing everywhere.  But God's light is so true and pure that it blinds everything else.

My drawing...God's version was cooler. :)
The next day was hard. 
I had helped teach English to a sweet lady, prayed over her, and then watched her walk across the street to the "Spider Girl Bar".  A few minutes later, I saw her in heavy makeup, spike heels and her miniskirt.  I watched her put on her happy face and flirt with the men.  And my heart broke.  Again I went up to the prayer room, interceding for my new friend.  I glanced out the 4th-story window and saw the bright colors of bar outfits hanging over a railing to dry.  "Oh God, everywhere I look, I'm just reminded of what this street is..."  And then I looked up.  Bright sunshine was streaming over the top of the building.  I looked back down at the drying neon-clothes and suddenly they were dark.  I could barely see them, because of the brightness of the sun.  The Son.  And again God told me that He was working in this city.

As I continually chose to turn my eyes to my Father, to keep my eyes on Jesus... He suddenly gave me His eyes.

And I met Bird and Mae, 20 and 22 years old.  Sweet girls from Isan- a poor region of Thailand.
Belle, a 22 year old ladyboy who doesn't like the bar life, but it's where he can make the most money to send home to his family.
Mon, 18, who has only been in Pattaya for 4 months.
Vee, also 22, who I had nicknamed "the girl in pink" and had been praying for since the first day, who sends money home to provide for her parents.
Real people, real stories.

When I think of Pattaya, HOPE is the word that pops into my mind...
Because my God is a Redeemer, and He specializes in taken the broken, the painful, the ugly, and turning it into something beautiful and glorious. 
Because the song "God of this City" was written for Pattaya. 
Because God is going to raise up, from the ladyboys, a holy generation of men committed to Him.
Because God has showed me that my vision to work with prostitutes and victims of human trafficking really is from Him, and the surrendering was a test.
Because the true LIGHT will penetrate the darkness.

Please pray for my friends... that they would find healing in Jesus.  And that He would provide new jobs for them.
Soli Deo gloria!


  1. tears, and more tears... abby, the Spirit of God is upon you! greater things are yet to come to this city! I love what God is doing to your heart.

  2. Your heart is being molded for His work...beautiful! May God wrap His arms around you and give you His strength, His words, His love as you work among the very ones He created for His glory. Go Make a Difference for Him!!

  3. Abby! i love this testimony to the greatness of God! i too many times, make judgments on certain people out of my own 'religiosty' & lack of understanding what i would do, given those same circumstances. GOD IS REDEEMER & i believe HE WILL REDEEM these lives that so long for a better way! Yes, for HIS glory! Esther

  4. May God's protection and grace cover you. Satan and his evil may be strong but our God and his Power is stronger, the strongest!!!!

  5. You inspire me and I think your amazing. Just thought I'd let you know. =)

  6. Wow.. thats deep but I wish you luck
